'Am I The Best Parent I Can Be?'



Answer 20 questions and we’ll send you a personalised report

This assessment has been designed to highlight and champion your strengths and provide you with tailored advice to strengthen your weaknesses (don't worry as parents we all have them)

For the most accurate results of this quiz, please take the time to answer the questions as honestly as possible. 

  • It takes just 2 minutes
  • It’s completely free
  • Receive customised results instantly
  • Focussing on Communication, Discipline, Emotions, Independence, Modelling, Listening, Confidence, Stress and Anxiety and Parenting Beliefs and strategies.
  • Actionable steps to take your parenting to the next level

*Disclaimer - If you consider yourself or your child as having a disability or are neurodivergent, please note that our results are based on input from neurotypical perspectives. This means the findings might not fully reflect your unique parenting experiences but will provide you with valuable insights and guidance to support your child.

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