Set Up Your Child for Success and Revolutionise Your Parenting

Raise your child whilst enjoying the ride

Do you......


Want to set your child up for success?

EVERY parent wants the absolute best for their child. How we do that can sometimes feel elusive. With the right insight and tools, we can provide our children with solid foundations to thrive.

Want to support your child's mental health?

We know that year after year, children's mental health is deteriorating, and as parents, it can be hard to know how to support them. More than ever, our children need us to know exactly how to support their emotional development from infancy so that when challenges hit, they have the resilience to weather any storm.

Want to know that you are preparing your child for this big wide world?

Parenting is a minefield of challenges. But how would it feel to KNOW that whatever your parenting journey throws at you, you can navigate the path calmly and confidently with the knowledge that you are building strong foundations for your child's future decision-making and mental health to enable them to thrive?

Tell me more about The Empowered Parenting Programme


'Am I The Best Parent I Can Be?' 

Take the Quiz

Did You Know?


Of Teenagers May Experience A Form Of Mental Health Problems At Any Given Point.


Of Mental Health Issues Are Already Developed By The Age Of 14 And 75% By The Age Of 24.


Of Kids (Ages 5 To 16) Have Mental HeaIth Issues, But 70% Of Those Have Had No Help.

Our Services

The Empowered Parenting Programme

A Digital Programme with self lead or VIP option to revolutionise your parenting experience and understand how your upbringing influences how you parent your child. Together with strategies to support you in raising the next generation.

1-on-1 Counselling

Dive deep into your development with personalised guidance.  

Contact me for a free 30 min consultation.

Schedule a 1:1 call
Clinical Supervision

If you are a Counsellor requiring Supervision then take a look at my supervision guidelines. 

Download the guides

Reasons to work with us


What is inside The Empowered Parenting Programme

Who am I?

My name is Nicki Saunders. I am a mum of two and a BACP-ccredited psychotherapist in private practice for over twenty years. 

Supporting parents in helping their children to thrive is my passion. 

I advocate that prevention is far better than cure. Having spent my whole career in the cure arena, I have developed a wealth of insight and experience into what works and doesn't work in the parenting world and how influential our childhood is on who we become.

Embracing change is essential for preparing our children for what lies ahead, and I cannot wait to work with you on your journey.


More about me
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Tips to raise your Self-Esteem

Jun 09, 2024

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The Empowered Parenting Programme!